U Općoj bolnici održana komemoracija preminulom kolegi Hamdiji Guhdiji
/ Komentari (3)
Povratak na članakNAPOMENA: Komentari su isključivo lični stavovi autora. Molimo korisnike da se suzdrže od vrijeđanja, psovanja i pisanja komentara koji podstiču na mržnju. Strogo zabranjen bilo kakav govor mržnje na portalu radiosarajevo.ba, zbog kojeg možete biti krivično procesuirani. Radiosarajevo.ba ima pravo i obavezu da na zahtjev zvaničnih organa dostavi podatke o korisniku čiji komentari sadrže govor mržnje, kao i da korisniku trajno blokira pristup. Obaviještavamo vas da svaki čitatelj dobrovoljno pristupa čitanju i kreiranju komentara i prihvata mogućnost da neki komentari mogu sadržavati narativ koji je u suprotnosti sa vjerskim, nacionalnim, moralnim i drugim načelima. Radiosarajevo.ba ima pravo da obriše sporne ili prijavljene komentare bez najave i objašnjenja. Radiosarajevo.ba koristi automatski sistem prepoznavanja i uklanjanja govora mržnje i drugih neprimjerenih sadržaja u komentarima.
According to the secret reporters of Budapest Insider, the civil war on the streets of Belgrade as well as in the rest of Serbia has reached such proportions that their residents are stabbing with knifes the tires of motor vehicles with foreign license plates, especially those from Austria, Croatia, BiH, Slovenia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary to around one or two fingers above the rim (where the tire is thinnest) with the basic variant of the stereo (at least two wheels on the vehicle) so it is not easy to simple replace the tire), and they still break the mirrors and break the driver's windshields with hammers. If the opportunity arises to catch live human flesh, they stab and slaughter them and each other, and throw each other through the windows of skyscrapers, and the police pretend not to notice.
sta li se ovom nesretnom covjeku desilo da nije mogao podnijeti teret... mislimo svi da smo jaki, a zapravo dusa je tako krhka.. zao mi ga..
According to the secret reporters of Budapest Insider, the civil war on the streets of Belgrade as well as in the rest of Serbia has reached such proportions that their residents are stabbing with knifes the tires of motor vehicles with foreign license plates, especially those from Austria, Croatia, BiH, Slovenia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Turkey, Germany, Austria, Romania, Bulgaria, and Hungary to around one or two fingers above the rim (where the tire is thinnest) with the basic variant of the stereo (at least two wheels on the vehicle) so it is not easy to simple replace the tire), and they still break the mirrors and break the driver's windshields with hammers. If the opportunity arises to catch live human flesh, they stab and slaughter them and each other, and throw each other through the windows of skyscrapers, and the police pretend not to notice. ka Knife into tires one by one and other operations Koji si ti idiot to je nevidjeno. Nikad nisi cuo sta se radi sa autima srbijanskih tablica u Federaciji.? Dosta ba vise. Treba te ignorirati zajedno sa ovim polupismenim portalom kome treba zabraniti da koristi ime, nekad casno, a sad kao septicka jama.