Fotka djevojke na plaži postala hit, evo i zašto

Ponekad želite snimiti određeni prizor, no umjesto toga na fotografiji poslije pronađete nešto još bolje.
Neke od najboljih optičkih iluzija i nastanu sasvim slučajno, a Bright Side je prikupio neke primjere s društvenih mreža, prenosi Index.
Beach levitation from r/confusing_perspective
Holding up the street sign from r/confusing_perspective
Shhh... Don't wake up the kitty
The amazing two-headed chihuahua from r/confusing_perspective
This 3-D quilt from r/nextfuckinglevel
Huge bird.(xpost from r/blursedimages) from r/confusing_perspective
I laughed so hard at myself, I figured I can’t keep this from the world from
Accidental homage to David Niven from r/confusing_perspective
Floating bin from r/confusing_perspective
hmmm from r/hmmm
Eating lunch together from r/confusing_perspective
Spider-Man found at a thrift store from r/confusing_perspective pratite putem aplikacije za Android | iOS i društvenih mreža Twitter | Facebook | Instagram, kao i putem našeg Viber Chata.