Poginuo bivši fudbaler Aston Ville i Boltona

Njegov Range Rover izgorio je u nesreći, a na mjesto događaja su izašli policija, vatrogasci i hitna helikopterska medicinska služba, javlja The Sun.
Vijest o smrti bivšeg fudbalera potvrdio je i Fudbalski saveza Trinidada i Tobaga.
We are deeply saddened to hear of the death of our former player Jlloyd Samuel at the age of just 37 in a car accident
— Aston Villa FC (@AVFCOfficial) May 15, 2018
Our players will wear black armbands as a mark of respect tonight and our thoughts are with his friends and family at this very difficult time
#AVFC pic.twitter.com/mlTeIEJm3y
Prema izvještajima, Jlloyd Tafari Samuel je odvezao djecu u školu, a nesreća se dogodila prilikom povratka kući.
Everybody associated with Bolton Wanderers Football Club is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of our former defender, Jlloyd Samuel.
— Bolton Wanderers FC (@OfficialBWFC) May 15, 2018
Rest in peace, Jlloyd. Our deepest condolences are with his family and friends at this difficult time.#BWFC pic.twitter.com/ghyeJpCuYd

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