Ideal day in Sarajevo: What to see, where to look
Ideal day in Sarajevo: What to see, where to look
/ Spomenik ivanu Pavlu II, Foto: Arhiv

In addition to ćevapi, burek and enjoyable distractions, Sarajevo offers much more beauty which is the reason why many of his guests are returning.

Jedan idealan turistički dan u Sarajevu: Šta vidjeti, gdje zaviriti

Regardless of whether you are coming to Sarajevo as a tourist, for business or family reasons, as 'diaspora' or you are a resident of this city-but due to busy everyday life you don't walk its streets with pleasure, here are a few tips that will help you to experience it to the fullest.

Ideal day for tourist in Sarajevo

After a good breakfast, you should start your walk in front of the Cathedral and the monument to pope John Paul II. Cathedral of the Sacred Heart is just one of the remarkable buildings of Sarajevo, whose creation is credited to architect Josip Vancaš. It was built from 1884 to 1889, combining Gothic and Romanesque elements, by the order of Bishop Josip Stadler.

Neizostavne turističke destinacije: Sarajevo u pet tačaka (FOTO)

In April 2014, in front of the Cathedral was raised a monument to Pope John Paul II, the work of the Sarajevo sculptor, Hrvoje Urumović. During the war in Bosnia and the siege of Sarajevo, Pope Wojtyla never failed to draw the attention of the world to the injustice that befell the Bosnian people. He did a lot of the ecumenical dialog and field and he was the first Pope who entered the synagogue and the mosque. He spoke 263 times on BiH. He visited this country twice: first time 18 months after the end of the war, and then in June 2003. We remind you that Pope Francis came to visit the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 6 2015.

Gallery 11/07/95

Srebrenica is one of the most heartbreaking stories in recent history. Gallery, named after the day of the massacre in the Srebrenica - 11/07/95, will tell you the story of Srebrenica through art photography of the world famous reporters. Its gallery concept is of European level. Definite "must see" in Sarajevo, and is located in the building adjacent to the Cathedral.


Where West kisses East

After Gallery, you should walk toward Baščaršija, via Ferhadija Street. To the place where Ferhadija ends and Sarači Street starts, look downward: you'll see sign that symbolically marks meeting place of West and East.

Turn West and you will see Sarajevo in the Austro-Hungarian architecture. Then turn to the east and you will see the soul of the Orient. This point is a Sarajevo Greenwich, sort of, and many tourists take pictures at that point with one foot in the East and the other in the West.

Ghazi Husrev-Bey's Mosque

Now proceed with Sarači street. In some little café you can refresh yourself, or you could find it on the most famous fountain in Sarajevo, located at the entrance to the Ghazi Husrev-Bey's Mosque. There is a legend connected to this fountain and it says that “one who will once drunk its cold water will always return to Sarajevo”.

Gazi Husrev-Bey was at the head of the Bosnian vilayet (sort of state) from 1521 until his death in 1541. During this time, the city became "serious Ottoman point", given the fact that Husrev-Bey built a large mosque, the Clock tower, the Madrasa (school), library, Hanikah (school for dervishes), imaret (public kitchen), musafhana (lodging) ... All these buildings can be seen on the way to Sebilj, the center of Baščaršija. Given the fact that at Sarači you have a tourist information center - supply yourself with free brochures.

Vijećnica (City Hall)

Around Sebilj, feel the colors and turbulence of old Sarajevo 'čaršija' (the word "çarşı" in Turkish means "bazaar" or "market"), smell surrounding smokes of many ćevabdžinicas (the place where they make ćevapi) and via Telali alley walk towards Vijećnica – Sarajevo City Hall. This symbol of Sarajevo opened in 1896 and represents the most important Austro-Hungarian facility in pseudo-Moorish style. Architect Karlo Paržik started its construction, Alexander Wittek continued (its model was a mosque Kemal II so he went to Cairo twice), and, after Wittek committed suicide, Ćiril Iveković.

The dramatic history of the City Hall continued in 1992. Mortar, fired from the position of the Serbian army, sets this building on fire: at that time, City Hall was home of the University Library. It was the night of 25/26th August and the building was burned, along with thousands of books. This was one of the saddest days of the Sarajevo siege.

Renewed City Hall was opened on the occasion of the centenary of the Sarajevo assassination, in 2014, and today serves the purposes of protocol and as a showroom Do not miss to enter into its Great Hall and to look stunning stained glass windows that adorn its elegant interior. In the basement of City Hall's is exhibition space where you can absorb last 100 years of Sarajevo.

The Sarajevo Museum

After City Hall, take a peek at Sarajevo Museum - Brusa Bezistan. Here you will find a large model of Sarajevo from the Ottoman period and learn the details of the history of the city. Exhibitions of this Museum are located in several places, and we definitely recommend you to visit The Museum of the Assassination, which is located on the famous "corner that changed the 20th Century."


At this place, at the Latin Bridge, Gavrilo Princip assassinated the Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. It happened on June 26 1914 and this event is considered as the outbreak of the first World War.

Baščaršija and lunch with story of the multi-confessional Sarajevo

After the story of the assassination, its the time to rest and 'breath in impressions'. We recommend a delicious lunch in one of aščinicas where you can taste traditional Bosnian-cooked meals, or choose the famous Sarajevo ćevapi. One of the reasons why tourists love Sarajevo are relatively low prices for a tasty meal.

After lunch, you can spice up your day with traditional dessert and good old Bosnian coffee. While on Baščaršija, make sure you check old Jewish synagogue (it's the Museum of the Jews) built in 1581, and the old Orthodox church, which dates back to 1539.

This is where you should end your visit of the Old Sarajevo Town and walk that you started in the morning in front of the cathedral – your steps by now marked the story of the four Sarajevo confessions whose temples are located in a few hundred meters. It was like this for centuries in Sarajevo and that is why it was nicknamed "little Jerusalem".


Marijin Dvor (Maria's Palace): Historical Museum, Parliament and shopping centers

At Street Mula Mustafe Bašeskije, close from the Old Orthodox Church, take a taxi and ask the driver to take you to the Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Taxi prices in Sarajevo are among the lowest in Europe, and if you are not alone, it will be cheaper than public transportation.

Historical Museum of BH is located at district Marijin Dvor, less than 2 kilometers from the old town. This district, whose old buildings are designed by famous architects Paržik, Vancaš and Iveković, is a business center of Sarajevo. It is the home of the State Parliament: its square was designed during the '70s by famous architect from Yugoslavia Bogdan Bogdanović.

Here, you will also find magnificent Austro-Hungarian building of the National Museum in Sarajevo, which guards the Sarajevo Haggadah - written monument of the Jews in the 14th century, together with another two million artifacts from the rich history of this country. Unfortunately, because of unresolved legal relations, the National Museum was closed two years ago. But don't be discouraged, because you are only a step away from Historical Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina - a building that is its architecture example of Yugoslav modern (Boris Magaš and Edo Šmidhen).

Be sure to visit this museum and see the reconstruction of the life of the citizens of Sarajevo during the last siege and be reminded of the time of the National Liberation War and the socialist revolution. The museum is also home of famous stained glass of Vojo Dimitrijević: Death to fascism - freedom to the people.

Outside, you will find examples of the 2nd World War heavy artillery, and 'squeezed' tables of local cafeterias. From here you will see a beautiful view of Vilsonovo šetalište (Vilsonovo boulevard) and the plateau, where the Museum of Contemporary Art will be located. The project for this building was made by one of the world most famous architects Renzo Piano, and it will host items from the Ars Aevi Collection, which is now temporarily located (but can be visited) in the Youth House in Skenderija. Nearby, there is a pedestrian bridge Ars Aevi, projected by the same architect.

If you are planning a shopping spree while in Sarajevo – Marijin Dvor is the right place. In the neighborhood you will find three shopping centers. However, we recommend that you search for gifts and souvenirs in the museum shops and authentic small shops in the old town.


Parking in the City Center

Sarajevo is a stinting city whose streets are narrow and parking spaces are limited. The City Center is easy to get around on foot, because the majority of the most significant buildings, institutions and attractions are located in the vicinity. At Marijin Dvor you will find several parking lots where you can park your car all day at a better price than in Center, and continue on foot.

Written by Vesna Andree Zaimović, Jedan idealan turistički dan u Sarajevu: Šta vidjeti, gdje zaviriti

Translated by Lana Ramljak, pratite putem aplikacije za Android | iOS i društvenih mreža Twitter | Facebook | Instagram, kao i putem našeg Viber Chata.

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