Pogledajte kako je lopov ukrao mobitel u McDonald'su: Policija upozorila kako se zaštititi

Pogledajte kako je lopov ukrao mobitel u McDonald'su: Policija upozorila kako se zaštititi
Foto: Printscreen / Lopov ukrao mobitel u McDonald'su

Krađe su nažalost sastavni dio života, a među ostalim predmetima na meti lopova nalaze se i mobiteli. Te krađe su postale toliko učestale, a lopovi toliko dovitljivi i brzi da je policija Nottinghamshirea u Engleskoj javno objavila snimku krađe mobitela u McDonald'ovom restoranu u roku od samo nekoliko sekundi.

Nepoznati mladić prišao je mladom paru u restoranu i pružio im papir da ga pogledaju. Papirom je vješto pokrio mobitel i dok je podizao papir, sa stola je pokupio i mobitel. Policija Nottinghamshirea rekla je da je objavila snimku u pokušaju podizanja svijesti o taktikama odvraćanja pažnje koje koriste kriminalci.

Kako bi smanjila rizik od krađe mobitela, policija je upozorila građane da ga drže van vidokruga kada su na javnom mjestu. Upozorili su da mobitel mora biti zaštićen šifrom, a kada napuštamo stol, čak i nakratko, uvijek ga treba ponijeti sa sobom.

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Čuvari zakona savjetuju ako vam stranac zatraži mobitel, nemojte mu ga davati. Umjesto toga ponudite da telefonirate u njegovo ime i stavite ga na spikerfon.

Ako vam ukradu mobitel ili ga izgubite, nazovite svog mrežnog operatera i blokirajte mobitel što je prije moguće.

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Nesvakidašnja scena u regiji: Lopov zapeo na dizalici, morali ga spašavati vatrogasci

Policija je također rekla da bi ljudi trebali postaviti aplikaciju za praćenje na mobitelu kako bi s drugog uređaja mogli vidjeti gdje se nalazi u slučaju da je izgubljen ili ukraden. Za tu svrhu iPhone ima Find My Phone, a za android telefone postoji android device manager.

Šef policije Nottinghamshirea John Searston rekao je da je "krađa mobitela veoma uznemirujuće iskustvo" i da policija čini sve što može kako bi prijestupnike privela pravdi.

Police release CCTV footage after mobile phone distraction theft

Officers investigating the theft of a mobile phone have released CCTV footage of the incident, in a bid to raise awareness of tactics being used. A mobile phone was removed from a table in the McDonalds in Milton Street, Nottingham city centre, after the victim was distracted by a man holding a piece of paper. The suspect asked her to look at and sign the piece of paper while she was sat at a table. As she looked at the paper, the suspect covered her phone with it and stole her device which was underneath. After stealing her phone, he left the restaurant and headed towards the Victoria Centre. Inquiries are ongoing into the incident which happened at 12.15pm on 20 October 2023. PC John Searston said: “We’d like to identify the man featured in the footage and would ask anyone who recognises him to please get in touch. We would also like to hear from anyone who may have been approached in similar circumstances. “Having your phone stolen is an immensely upsetting experience and we are doing everything we can to bring offenders to justice. “We don’t want this to happen to anyone else and so are encouraging people to remain vigilant while they’re out and about and to follow some simple but effective tips to mitigate the risks of their phone being stolen. “We’d urge people to report any suspicious behaviour to us directly, or venue staff, to ensure we can act upon it.” People are encouraged to adhere to the following crime prevention tips: • When possible, keep your phone out of sight in public areas. • Try to ensure a password or pin code lock is enabled on your phone. • When you leave a table/area, even for a short time, always take your phone with you. Never leave it unattended. • If a stranger asks to use your phone, don't hand your device over to them. Instead, action any request you’re happy to facilitate yourself (for example, entering a number into your phone or making a phone call on the person’s behalf). • Always stay alert when using your mobile phone and be aware of your surroundings. • If you lose or have your phone stolen, call your network provider and get the phone blocked as soon as possible. • Set up a tracking app on your phone so you can see where it is from another device in the event of it being lost or stolen. The iPhone has find my phone, and for android phones there is android device manager. You can report a stolen phone by calling 101 or in an emergency call 999. Others ways to contact us can be found on our website. Anyone with information about this incident should call us on 101, quoting incident number 300 of 20 October 2023, or alternatively they can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Posted by Nottinghamshire Police on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Pozvao je i građane da se jave ako prepoznaju lopova. McDonald's se nije oglašavao o slučaju, piše Daily Mail.

Premda bi se reklo da sofisticirani sistem šifri i mogućnosti praćenja štite mobitele od krađe, vidimo da tome nije tako. Lopovi znaju ići ispred zakona i zaštite dok ih policija ne sustigne i privede pravdi. Nažalost, uznemirujući gubitak mobitela i pripadajuća trauma ostanu. Zato na mobitele treba dobro paziti.

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