Opjevana Beckhamova peta
Nije baš uobičajeno da se književnici bave fudbalom kao temom, a rijetki su oni koji među njima nemaju posve nipodaštavajući stav prema tom sportu. No, cijenjenoj britanskoj književnici Carol Ann Duffy takva sterotipizacija književnosti kao predstavnice intelektualnog i fudbala kao predstavnika dijametralne suprotnosti nije bila važna.
Ona je, naime, iskoristila bitan trenutak britanskog fudbala – veliku povredu ahilove tetive najvećeg britanskog fudbalskog sina Davida Beckhama zbog koje neće igrati na Svjetskom prvenstvu u Južnoj Africi – i napisala mu pjesmu.
Achilles (for David Beckham)
Myth's river- where his mother dipped him,
fished him, a slippery golden boyflowed on, his
name on its lips. Without him, it was
they would not take Troy.
Women hid him, concealed him in girls' sarongs;
days of sweetmeats, spices, silver songs...
but when Odysseus came,
with an athlete's build, a sword and a shield, he
followed him to the battlefield, the crowd's roar,
and it was sport, not war,
his charmed foot on the ball...
but then his heel, his heel, his heel...
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